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Steel Building Installation Services

Our customers often have a range of requirements when it comes to installation. We offer two tiers of install options that we believe are the most effective and productive for the companies and individuals that we work with.


We're Yorkshire based, but our installation teams work UK-wide to ensure we are providing an unbeatable level of service, quality and consistency.

We offer two options for our kit build steel buildings, a DIY solution or a fully compliant Installation Service... 


Manual & Drawings

Each of our buildings come with a set of installation instructions, technical drawings and a best practice manual to help you with the build. We are also on the phone for any queries you do have before or during the build to make sure your comfortable going into the process.


Key Benefits


  • Clear and professional instruction manuals and drawings.

  • Phone-based aid for any technical questions the customer may have.

  • Each building kit is checked extensively before leaving our warehouse.

Full Installation Service

We send our team of experts down to provide a fully installed service of the TotalSpan building. Our team will complete the installation to the highest standard with minimal disruption to site along with a site visit prior to the build and site-specific RAMS.


Key Benefits


  • Fully installed service of the TotalSpan building kit.

  • Conduct an initial site visit to discuss requirements for the build.

  • Arrange all RAMS, plant and safety equipment for the build.

  • Dedicated project leader.

Steel Frame Building - Installation - TotalSpan Portal Frame Steel Buildings
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Our Quality Guarantee

Our fully bolt together frame, rigid bracing system and robust brackets, provide a well thought out solutions for customers needing a building to full industry standards, and a creditable alternative to the traditional hot rolled fabricated construction of buildings.

Get Your Steel Portal Frame Building Quote via Email today.

Please fill out some or all of the information on this form and we will either send a quote or contact you to discuss the information >>


Not sure what the options are? Download the handy document to see the possibilities and constraints of a portal frame building.




Still not sure? Contact us today and we'll make sure you have all the info you need to make an informed decision about your new building.


Phone: 01757 289 067


TotalSpan Building Quote

Fill out SOME or ALL of the below & the team will be in touch soon...

Thank you for your info - we will be in contact shortly!

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Cabinlocator Ltd.

Company Number: 7205585

VAT No. 911307857

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Proudly created by Will Pindard


Invoicing address: Cabinlocator Ltd, Oak Tree Cottage, Laytham, York, United Kingdom, YO42 4PP


Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm

​​Sat - Sun: Email only


TotalSpan is one of the trading names used by the company Cabinlocator Ltd to support their range of portal frame buildings.

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